Monday, January 31, 2011

Friday Confessional (on Monday): Exercise avoidance

What keeps me from starting and sticking to an exercise routine?  I need to exercise, I want to exercise but when it comes to actually doing it, I fail.   I was so excited to join the Canada Games Complex, but last week I did not go once.  It’s not fear.  I’m not ashamed to walk my big body into a gym full of fit folks.   Ack.  What is this?  Is it laziness?  I hate to think of myself as lazy.  But am I?  Has my sedentary lifestyle become so ingrained that laziness feels normal to me?  I know that once I start I will feel energized and addicted and I’ll look forward to regular exercise.  I know this.  So then I should just.....start. 


  1. Something that works for me right now. I have been scheduling walks around a 3 mile lake with some girlfriends. That way I can't back out because they would be there waiting for me. It helps me get motivated. Hopefully, soon I won't need people waiting for me to get my butt walking around that lake!

    Are there gym buddies you could get to meet you at the gym?

  2. Hey Leigh

    When I first started losing weight I bought an exercise bike. I put it in front of the tv and started pedaling. At first I could only do 10 mins. The doctor wanted me to do 20 minutes twice a week. I was determined so I just added a few minutes every day. Eventually, I was doing 20 mins in the afternoon and another 20 in the evening. Now I can do an hour or more. But it makes it more fun and time passes so quickly if you put on a movie or watch a favorite show (Glee) and pedal away.

  3. You know what Miss Leigh - you said it. You just gotta do it. It's adding in something and there's plenty of reasons why not - calculate how long will take - haven't got time, darn I forgot to pack socks, I'll just clean the toilet first.
    Procrastination? That'll be me then. Something better (or not) to do? That'll be me then. Hang on, is that the first sign of a cold coming on? Maybe I'd best not today then.
    It just is hard to jump in. Maybe it's a commitment thing? We know that if we go once, then we have to keep on keeping on.
    So go! Get that backside down to that gym and start moving. In six months or so I will be coming to check up on you...and you better be ready for those morning walks - so I don't have to be scared of the bears no more :-D
